History of the automotive world begins when Nicolaus August Otto invented the motorcycle in 1876. Then, in 1885, Gottlieb Daimler invented the fuel oil that allows the opening of the birth of a revolution in car design. The
discovery was followed by Karl Benz, a mechanical engineer who built
the first practical car that is run by a machine called an
internal-combustion engine in 1985.In America, John W. Lambert found a gasoline-powered automobile in 1891. Duryea Brothers became the first company to manufacture and sell vehicles to the public. Everything
is possible to walk is not too significant, until eventually the Henry
Ford launched the Model-T which was phenomenal, and the transmission
system is equipped with a better design. The first model produced in 1908 and continues to change until 1980.Still
talking about ground transportation, in the per-train-an, history began
when George Stephenson designed the first steam train in 1824. Although it is true that the steam engine James Watt had discovered long before that. In 1924 a new steam train then progressing to mature and spread throughout the world. Followed by the birth of diesel trains in the 1960s. After
experiencing a rather long vacuum came the super fast trains are
actually based on Maglev technology is still in early growth.
Nevertheless, we can see the TGV and Shinkansen in awe and amazement that no agony.Meanwhile, in the world of aeronautics, history tells much longer. That
said, in the year 852 Muslim scientist named Armen Word jumped from a
tower in Cordoba (Spain) and floated using a parachute cloak worn. In the year 875, Abbas Ibn Firnas repeat the word daring action. Unfortunately, he suffered a back injury resulting in death several years later. Firnas Baghdad and then use the name as the name of the airport to his memory.Centuries later, people continue to assume that human beings have to fly with wings. Even the famous DaVinci painting in the 1500s it also implies such things. The
story becomes somewhat changed when Sir George Cayley in 1799 to
formulate the concept of the aircraft where it should have wings, tail,
and so forth. Funnily enough, this concept is written on a piece of silver made in that year.Cayley
glider then make it fit the concept and ordered the train driver
(Coachman) to try it, but there is no clear achievement of outcomes. Otto Lilienthal is that later became the first to make the glider while trying melayangkannya shortly. The
experimental results are published, but unfortunately, one day when he
did the experiment, there was a gust of wind that makes it stumbled and
28 November 1896, a professor named Samuel Langley of the Smithsonian
Institute managed to create an unmanned aircraft capable of flying to a
height of 4,200 feet at 30 mph. Langley
then asked the Department of Defense research funding from the U.S.
amounted to U.S. $ 5,000 to design a manned aircraft. Two experiments carried out on October 7, 1903 and December 9, 1903 only led to failure. The first trial resulted in a broken-wing aircraft without leaving the ground. While on the second attempt the aircraft could not fly and falls splashed in the Potomac River. Nevertheless,
for his services in the field of aeronautics, Langley's name
immortalized as the name of the famous lab: NASA Langley.Pause
8 days after the second trial Langley, Kitty Hawk works Wrights
brothers made history as the first aircraft with engine power that is
able to fly and reach heights exceeding pointnya starting. This is the first time humans managed to overcome gravity. Wrights
brothers continue to make improvements on their findings, as well as
many scientists in France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Australia, and so
forth. However, Wright Bros. who attracted attention after a stunningly vibrant community in Paris. He then sold the idea to the U.S. Department of Defense. The
result, shortly after the U.S. Army has several "fighters" in which the
pilot threw a bomb in his hand to finish off the enemy on land.When World War I erupted in 1929, double-winged aircraft are commonly encountered. Then in 1926, Charles Lindberg for the first time crossed the Atlantic successfully. This is the starting point when the aircraft is treated as a means of transportation, not just a hobby or a toy as before. When World War II broke out in the 1940s, fighter aircraft are much more sophisticated. Airlines with propeller emerging. And in the 1950s, jet engine (Boeing 707) began operations and the term "jet set" or a jet transport began to be known.In the 1960's, the supersonic aircraft (Concorde) began operations. Unfortunately,
although Russia has successfully launched its first satellite (1957)
and the United States successfully landed men on the moon (1969), growth
was almost stagnant in the world of aeronautics. It
is true that the success of the Russians and Americans are driven more
by political factors (cold war) rather than a factor of technological
breakthroughs to increase the welfare of mankind. It
is true also that the new technology initially grew very slowly, then
reached a point where innovation continues to rain, and soon reached a
mature stage.
After the re-development of technology will be slow. The period between these, if calculated, averaging about 40 years.By using the above calculation, current humans should be capable of flying at hypersonic or beyond the atmosphere into space. Unfortunately,
due to the expensive research funding (or a strong political
overtones), both Russia and America is no longer insist on developing a
space shuttle. Spacecraft itself has become a very expensive monopoly. But for a handful of people, could be a business opportunity billions (or trillions) of dollars.To
get a spacecraft that is much cheaper than gawean NASA and its
contractors, digelarlah X-Prize with a prize of U.S. $ 10 million to
anyone who is able to fly as high as 100 km or more with a pilot and two
passengers or equivalent weight. There are many "crazy" who are interested in racing, one of Burt Rutan, funded by Paul Allen.SpaceShipOne Rutan made out to be a winner. Funds
are disbursed more than U.S. $ 20 million, but the motivation to
achieve space travel business opportunity to make U.S. $ 20 million as
if nothing. The project continued with SpaceShipTwo can carry up to 8 people and will be ready in 2007 or 2008. That said, Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo aircraft already ordered 3.In
addition to the X-Prize, Bigelow, a millionaire owner of cheap hotels,
also held a similar award with a prize of U.S. $ 50 million plus
contract to make a plane for anyone who can make the plane to ferry
tourists around the Earth several times. He has made the company Bigelow Aerospace is conducting research on how to structure appropriate for the space hotel. The result is amazing and the technology purchased by NASA to repair space shuttle. Of course, this price is much cheaper than buying from contractors such as Boeing or Lockheed Martin. Bigelow realized that dream to create a space hotel could never exist without cheap transportation system.Of course this is all nonsense is not nonsense. Many new companies with 50 or 100 employees genius and powerful backup funds from investors to emerge. Space belongs to ordinary people, no longer the monopoly of government or state. With the birth of new industries and capital-intensive brain, space travel is not something impossible. Currently, Russia could take us a walk to the MIR station for U.S. $ 20 million. But the next few years, that rate will drop significantly.Soon
we will feel "normal" when he heard the people working in space,
honeymoon 100 km beyond the Earth, or a hotel employee in the month. Colonization of the moon or Mars colonization is the future. Later, the exploration and exploitation of minerals may occur on the moon or on other planets is indeed very rich in minerals. The future belongs to a small industry with big capabilities. And
if 20 years is the world's richest man Bill Gates, then the next 20
years the world's richest person is the entrepreneur who can innovate to
bring humans into space in a cost effective and efficient, and package
it in a value-added services.